As we go into the New Year, I've decided "no more playing it safe." I'm going to challenge myself to break out even further from my circle of ease. I've come to realize that God has given each of us gifts ~ well, that part I've known for a while! But it is my responsibility to develop the gifts He has entrusted to me. It is up to me to be a good steward of all that He has placed in my hands. It is not left up to anyone but ME!
I've had seasons in which I felt there was no opportunity to use certain gifts. When you're in a time like that, it's easy to get lazy and frustrated. But I've found that even in what I percieve to be the dry seasons, God expects me to continue to develop my gifts, talents and abilities. Why? Because when you can glorify Him with your good stewardship in what seems to be a desert, then He can trust you to keep the focus on Him in the abundant, overflowing seasons.
Here's where I am breaking out of my circle of ease and saying, "no more playing it safe." Recently a very creative friend of mine who works for a Christian TV station, taped me doing some 90 second teaching spots. This is a project we are working on together! I'll keep you posted on just how this new ministry project progesses.
What about you? Do you have an area in your life in which you've played it safe for far too long? Or perhaps you sense your entering a season in which it's time to get seriously creative in the gifts God has placed in YOUR hands! Are you excited yet? I am!
So, if you're up for the challenge of "no more playing it safe," I'd love to hear about it! I'm all for offering insight, encouragment or just a cyber "thumbs up" as you break out of your own circle of ease! If you choose to share how you want to break out in 2009, I'll take note and check back with you periodically. Do Tell!
Ski Tips For Living
Ski Tip #1 Where you point your skis, is where you'll go.
Life principle ~ Direction determines destination.
Ski Tip #2 Keep your focus to avoid falls.
Life principle ~ Too many distractions results in a loss of passion for your purpose.
Ski Tip #3 Stay on the course that suits your abilities but keep learning.
Life principle ~ When you are faithful to develop your gifts, opportunities will arise.
* And sometimes you need to show your "hat hair" just to keep it real!