I did the online research for you and have compiled a list of what the "experts" of fashion and beauty generally agree on how not to look old.
First the do nots ~
Do Not:
1. Wear "mom jeans"
2. Wear your reading glasses on a chain around your neck.
3. Wear holiday themed clothing.
(Check this list for 25 "Clothes That Gotta Go." Click HERE.)
4. Wear dark lipstick.
A pink tone with gloss is much better. For more, click HERE.
Try this yourself. The next time you are putting on your makeup, try a darker lipstick first. Then wipe it off and go with a pinker tone or a rosy lip gloss. See what YOU think.
5. Wear too much make-up.
Emphasize either your eyes or your lips but not both at the same time. (personal experience: When I was in my early 20's I wore heavy, full make-up. Looking at the photos, I looked a bit "clownish.")
6. Wear heavy perfume. (This tip from my 21 yr. old daughter.) We both agree that you do not need to wear perfume 100% of the time. Lighten up sometimes with a perfumed body creme.
7. Ignore a "lady-stache."
Wax it. Bleach it. Remove it with a depilatory. Go out in your backyard with a mirror and see what everyone else sees. (I know this is scary. Pretend I am holding your hand.)
8. Neglect your eyebrows.
Click HERE for dramatic brow makeovers and find out what your eyebrows say about you.
9. Be afraid to make some changes.
Find a friend whose updated and modern look you admire and ask her for advice. Check out these makeovers. My jaw dropped! Click HERE.
10. Shop for the majority of your clothing in the juniors section! You will look like you are desperately trying to hang on to your youth. We all age. Let's do it gracefully and with style.
Now for the Do's~
1. Wear trends.
Save money by enjoying a trendy look in accessories. No matter your style personality, you can incorporate a trend in small doses. Click HERE for a video on the 2011 trends and how to wear them.
2. Wear a wide brimmed hat in the sun.
I like a tan and I have a tan but I protect my face!
3. Use a facial moisturizer that contains retinoic acid to smooth lines. It really works.
My friend, Laurie, uses Boots No. 7 Serum which is available at Target. Since her recommendation, I've recently started using it too. Here's a link to learn more about it. Click HERE.
4. Get some sun every day on your body WITHOUT sunscreen. I know. I know. You've heard to avoid the sun and if you are in it, to wear sunscreen. But there are also benefits to a little sun exposure w/o covering your skin with sunscreen. It's the best source of Vitamin D and a lot of us are Vitamin D deficient. Click HERE for more info on the sun and vitamin D (#4 and #8).
5. Sweat everyday.
Your skin is your largest organ. Sweating for 10 minutes a day releases toxins and improves the clarity of your skin. If you are exercising and not working up a sweat, your workout may be too easy.
6. Aim for 25 grams of fiber per day. It does your body"all kinds of good." Great sources: Uncle Sam's cereal, organic apples w/skin, oatmeal, high fiber English muffins, (even a cup of coffee has 2 grams)
7.Get your beauty sleep!
Click HERE.
8. Use a foot scrub with alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) and get rid of those calluses.
It's sandal season. I like THIS ONE.
9. Get a professional bra fitting.
Check out your profile. "They" should be resting, sitting...you know what I mean, halfway between the top of your shoulder and your elbow. Click HERE.
10. Order your day and find the joy!
There are certain things that I like to do each day and when I miss even one of them, I feel out of sorts. Although I don't always hit the mark each day, I've learned that if I don't "order" my day, my day wants to "order" me. Of course, some days "life happens." But on most days if I start my morning right, my day goes much smoother.
This concludes my series 31 Days to a Cuter You! Thanks for reading.
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