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Jan 3, 2011

My Body

January 1st I was hoping to run 4 miles. My usual mileage has been to run a minimum of 3.1 miles 6 days a week. I wanted to start the year off with a 4 miler. 
But stuff happens. In this case stuff was my catching some kind of virus and I thought it best to rest my body rather than pushing it to run and feel worse. 
Today I am in the planning process of goal setting. A few days ago I visited "only a breath" and read that Melanie is making quarterly goals. Setting quarterly goals seems much more manageable to me than setting them for a year.
So far my categories are:  My Body, My Spirit, My Creativity and My Household. I'm sharing the My Body goals today. 
Last April I started running again. I knew that in the grieving process I had to take action to get my "healthy" back so that I could be the kind of wife to my husband and mother to my children that they deserve. (Visit my running blog here.)

Running Goals (1st quarter) ~ 3 1/2 - 4 miles 5 days/week

Strength Goals (1st quarter) strength training ~ 1 - 2 times/week

Spin Class  Goals (1st quarter) spin class at the Y ~ 1 day/week

I'm still thinking about what changes I want to make toward healthy eating. But certainly any goals I set in that category will involve cutting back on sugar. I did this last year and it was doable and after a few days, EASY! One thing that is helpful in decreasing sugar intake is to plan ahead. Pick the special occasions in which you will PLAN to enjoy a dessert. The next family birthday we will celebrate is my son Avery's 17 birthday in February. This morning I have announced that I will not be making any desserts until his birthday. He has already given me his "order" ~ homemade chocolate chip cookies & ice cream sandwiches.
What about you? Do you have any fitness goals for 2011? If setting goals for the entire year seems too daunting, why not set a quarterly goal? 


  1. ha! It was ME! :) Or maybe more than just my blog mentioned quarterly goals..... ;)

    You have inspired ME to start a run/walk program which I am currently doing! I will keep at it because I really want to be able to run just 1 mile... just 1! Then, on to 2...3..


  2. I like your idea of quarterly goals. I don't have a goal in mind yet, but I do need to lose 5 lbs and get healthier. *sigh* I wish I LIKED exercise.

  3. Love the idea of quarterly goals... seem very, very reachable =)
    My fitness goals are very similar to yours but instead of spinning at the Y I'm subbing one 30 minute bike ride each week. I'm training for a triathlon on Memorial Day weekend.
    I won't indulge in any desserts until Valentine's Day, also my son's 5th birthday.
    I have an appt. with a new D.O. in two weeks and will see if he can help me tweak my diet/supplement regimen.

    Love you and so thankful to be walking (or running) this race with you!

  4. Melanie:

    I also began... AGAIN... on Jan.1, to exercise daily, at least 5 days a week, and back to healthier food choices and less of it. Somehow the first day of the new year seemed like the best time. I have no plans for the next dessert, but I like your idea for Avery's birthday... gives you a goal and a plan as well. I also agree that quarterly is much more real than a whole year. So... onward and forward!

    Happy new year!

  5. Alright, I'll be the first to mention it....I have arm envy....HOW DID YOU GET THOSE GUNS?!?!? I've been fairly consistent at weight training, but maybe I haven't been using enough weight.

    Great job on your quarterly goals....right now I'm working on a monthly goal for January for weight/healthy eating/water intake, etc. I need to part with the 5 pound December weight gain and then assess from there.

    Feel better soon, it's good that you're resting your body when necessary.

  6. Gosh, you look great; now I'm really depressed. I don't know what to do with my body this year... first I'm thankful that I can even type that... this year. Secondly, once chemo has ended I will get back to some regular, good habits I had prior to cancer. I've got a lot of weight to lose, but I'm confident that once I install a better eating plan, sleep cycle, exercise regimen, I'll get there. It seems impossible, but I'm not too worried about it at this point. I'll let you know come mid-year!

    I celebrate your health, sister. You're doing great!


  7. I do annual goals, but I revisit them often. I always re-evaluate at the beginning of the summer and the end of the summer, just because they are natural breaks for our family.

    Love your body goals. I'm doing p90X right now. I'm in week five. My goal is to finish that and then see where I am. Within the p90X program, I would like to increase everything in strength, reps and endurance. And if God will please let me lose 18 pounds, that would be icing on the cake. :)

    Love you,
