It's Thursday's Thumbs Up 2 Friends! Women are relational creatures. Can I get an "Amen"? One of my very best friends relocated a few years ago and man (or should I say woman) do I miss her! One of the things we really enjoyed doing together was hosting parties. She is a decorator extraordinaire so usually we held the party in her home. Together we planned our theme, guest list and the menu.
Our menus often included gourmet dishes we had never prepared before! That might seem scary but it always turned out delicious. A delicious adventure! We have served standing rib roast, cream of tomatoe bisque, asparagus au gratin, and decadent desserts. Did I mention she is a wonderful decorator? See some of her work and ideas here. This summer she and her Prince Charming and the princes returned to sunny Florida for vacation. While they were in town I invited our past party guests to my home so we could all visit and catch up together. We had a Fiesta theme and everyone brought a Tex-Mex dish. As the noche (night) drew to a close, we said Adios amigos!
Friends...ya gotta have 'em...ya gotta love 'em...ya gotta feed 'em!
My friend, Alisa, and me.
I'd love to hear what kinds of adventures you share with your girl-friends. Do tell!