To try to tell you how difficult it is to know Andrew is no longer in our presence would be such a shallow expression to convey deep pain.
On the rare occasions that I was sick or had a migraine, Andrew would check on me. He would offer me water or whatever I might need. He often paused, closed his eyes and then would say, "I prayed for you, Mommy." When he was little he called me "mommy" which was eventually replaced with "mom." But over the past few months, he had started calling me "mama."
Just a few days before he went to heaven, he was eating his breakfast and he told me, "I want to spend some time with you today, Mama."
We talked about some things we could do together despite the paralysis of his left arm.
Since he went to heaven, I keep hearing him say, "I want to spend some time with you today, Mama."
We were determined that Andrew's service would be an expression of worship to the Lord as well as a way to share who Andrew really IS to those who don't know him like we do.
As my friends on the praise & worship team sang, "There is a river whose streams make glad the city of our God...," we raised our hands in worship to our Lord and Savior who is ALWAYS HOLY AND ALWAYS WORTHY OF WORSHIP.
During our time of worship, I could "hear" Andrew's words again, "I want to spend some time with you today, Mama."
It was then that I knew in worshipping the Lord, I WAS spending time with Andrew for I knew that he was also worshipping the Lord. And so in worshipping God, I am able to actively participate in Andrew's life in Heaven. And some day I will see Andrew's hands raised in praise...both the right and the left.
More pictures and more words later...