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Jun 9, 2011

Iron Girls - John 1

"Seen, Found and Called by HIM!"
 (My personal study notes)

John 1:43-51
 As I read John chapter one, the Holy Spirit drew my attention to verses 43 – 51. What I find compelling in this passage is the difference in the order of events in the lives of Jesus, Nathanael and even Philip as we see them outlined in this context.  

From Philip’s viewpoint:
  1. Philip is found and called by Jesus.
  2. Philip finds Nathanael, telling him, “We have found HIM…”
  3. Nathanael questions whether “anything good can come out of Nazareth.”(Nazareth was an obscure town and Nathanael knew Bethlehem was the prophesied birthplace of the Messiah.)
  4. Philip responds, “Come and see.”

From Nathanael’s viewpoint:
  1. Nathanael is found by Philip.
  2. Nathanael questions whether “anything good can come out of Nazareth.”
  3. Philip responds, “Come and see.”
  4. Nathanael is seen approaching Jesus and HE says, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!”
  5. Nathanael questions Jesus with, “How do you know me?”
  6. Jesus responds that HE saw Nathanael before HE called Nathanael.
  7. Nathanael confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, the King of Israel.
  8. Jesus tells Nathanael he will see greater things, including His ascension (Acts 1:9-11).

From Jesus’ viewpoint:
  1. Jesus finds Philip and calls him saying, “Follow Me.”
  2. Jesus sees Nathanael under the fig tree before Philip finds him.
  3. Jesus sees Nathanael coming toward HIM and says, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit.”
  4. Nathanael questions Jesus with, “How do you know me?”
  5. Jesus replies, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”*
  6. Nathanael confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, the King of Israel.
  7. Jesus tells Nathanael he will see greater things, including His ascension (Acts 1:9-11).

This speaks to me in that it illustrates how my order of events is actually out of order. For example when I tell a story, I usually begin with the beginning and, if you are like me, give lots of details! However, if I were to hear “my story” told from the viewpoint of the ONE who sees the parts I cannot see, the ordering of “my story” including the beginning would be complete in a way that I do not yet see. But one day, I trust I will see it! One day I will see how HE saw me before I was found by HIM and before I was called by HIM. One day I will see how all things worked together for good to me who loves God and am called according to HIS purpose.

*If we simply read the passage in verses 43 – 51, we read that Nathanael was under a fig tree when Jesus saw him, and when Philip found him. It seems like a minor, inconsequential detail. But with further study, we gain a deeper understanding of the passage. “The hour of this happening is given in verse 39 as the tenth hour. John uses the Roman (and modern) method of reckoning the hours. The hour is 10 a.m; but most modern versions give 4 p.m. Nathanael was following the Jewish custom of meditating on the scriptures under his fig-tree. It seems likely, from Jesus’ words in verse 51, that he was thinking about Jacob’s dream of a stairway between heaven and earth (Genesis 28:12).” [Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible, p. 535]

As we study, meditate and memorize the WORD, you can be sure that you are seen by the WORD. For “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” John 1:1.

 What are your thoughts concerning John 1?

© Melanie Dorsey 2011


  1. Such good lessons you were able to see in this chapter! I love to see what gems God gives others in the study of His Word. I'm still learning to dig. :)
    What I noticed in this chapter was how immediate Simon's decision was to follow Jesus; as soon as he was "introduced" to Jesus by John, he followed up. How often reluctant is my urgency to follow my Lord.

  2. Hello, my friend. Your comment over at the Wellspring today just took my breath away. I love you, you know that? You sure are and Iron Girl. What a heart you have. Just beautiful.

  3. Walking next weekend in memory of Andrew and in honor of others. Just wanted you to know. :) Will be praying too.
