I'm blogging at www.melaniedorsey.com . Please join me there.

Sep 22, 2010

To Baltimore and Back

The table where I was invited to sit and have tea.
Isn't it pretty?

Joan...Director of the Ladies' Ministry Board
~creator of the table~
Menu: tea, scones, chicken salad on croissants, fruit, assorted desserts including coconut creme pie

Joan made me another pie!


My girl and me

Last Day in Maryland
We were well cared for, loved on and spoiled by my dear friends whose home we stayed in and by the wonderful people of Heritage Community Church in Severn, MD.
I spoke at the Ladies' Annual Tea on Saturday and partnered with the pastor in the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sunday services.

I'm including the link to the podcast (9/19) should you care to listen in.


  1. Melanie! I am so proud of you! And, wow! You can sing, girl! I could hear the passion in your song. It brought tears to my eyes. A very powerful message too, friend. Yes, God is faithful and I am trying to let the Spirit lead.

  2. So glad everything went so well. He IS faithful.

  3. So glad you had a blessed trip!! You deserve to be ministered too even as you ministered to others:)
    Here is were we are as of today -

  4. So glad you had a good trip...I am going to listen tomorrow....I know you did a great job and you look beautiful.

  5. Wow, you are an awesome speaker, and singer sis. So glad you were blessed, as well as being a blessing sis. I love you.

  6. How beautiful! I look forward to your sharing. love, B

  7. Darling Melanie...I am so pleased that all went well for you and Audra on your trip. I prayed for you! You have an incredibly beautiful voice and I could hear the passion in that song. You are an inspiration my dear!

    God's blessings to you all!

  8. Melanie....I have posted a couple of times but I guess they are not going through. Not very good at this. Glad you had a wonderful trip and are safely home with your family.


  9. Mel,
    Sounds like you had a wonderful time, we linked up to the pod cast, did they record you speaking at the tea??? I hope so! I can't wait to talk to you about it and hear what a wonderful time you and Audra had - I know you both were a blessing - love you, miss you, and miss you some more - call me when you have time to talk - I've got a light day today

  10. Hey, I am ME above - don't know why that happened - I guess I wasn't logged in??? Talk to you soon.

  11. Glad for your time of ministry, Melanie. I pray all went well and that you fill used up and poured out for the kingdom! A good feeling to carry into a new week.


  12. Listened to every word. Tears fell as you sang that beautiful song. My husband walked by and commented, "it's amazing that she can do that" (inspite of this past year). The Holy Spirit's annointing in you, is SO precious. You touched this heart!


  13. Melanie, it was great to meet you and have you at the Tea and at church on Sunday morning! Thanks for blessing us with your time and your story! :)

  14. Melanie- I feel like my mom has not stopped talking about you since you left. You were such a blessing to her and to the rest of us. Girl talk was fun at lunch :) We are all looking forward to your next visit and we will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers.
    Amanda(Joans Daughter)

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